The tale of the Gypsy Queen.
As the legend is told, a band of gypsies were traveling through Marshall, Illinois trading horses and telling fortunes. In the late 1800s, such travelers were not always invited into communities, but the people of Marshall welcomed them with open arms and the band of gypsies stopped to greet old friends each time they passed through.
During a particularly difficult journey, a young daughter passed away and the head of the family chose to bury her in the Marshall cemetery. Years later, the Queen herself carried on the burial tradition but before she passed, she blessed the town with safety from tornados.
Over one hundred years and countless storms later, the people of Marshall have remained safe. Coincidence, or Gypsy blessing?
To this day, Gypsy Queen Coffee remains in contact with the descendants of the original Gypsy Queen who are honored by the tribute and proud to have their heritage and traditions celebrated.
Sara Tarble
Sara was born, raised, and currently resides in Marshall. She’s always loved the idea of a small-town coffee shop in the heart of our historic downtown. The stars aligned in early-2022 when her passion to revive the downtown was matched by a local contractor interested in restoring the old buildings. It all begins with an idea and the two meticulously renovated the former antique store, designed the coffee shop, and her dream became a reality.
Fred Keifer & Goat
Pharmacist (& goat farmer)
Marshall, IL Early 1900s